As you know severe thunderstorms bring a wide variety of weather including: damaging winds, hail, lightning, and rains be a catalyst for flooding. Severe thunderstorms may also and do produce tornadoes. Let's keep an eye on at some safety features connected with severe thunderstorms.
Damaging Winds - winds related to severe thunderstorms can simply reach 100 mph. We've already had two severe events in Butler County in 2010 with winds of 80-90 mph that caused extensive harm to various structures.
In a very building Avoid windows. Windows can shatter and glass/debris might be blown in and impaled into walls and other objects. We now have already seen this with storms in your county this coming year.
In the vehicle If no shelter is accessible, pull onto the inside in the road and wait out your storm. Point your vehicle directly into the wind and that means you will be more aerodynamic. Also, tend not to stop close to a tree, power line etc. These objects can break in the Taylormade Rocketballz Irons high winds and fall on your vehicle.
Red Bull Tee Time was dreamt up last year when Lexi aspired to get closer to her fans while offering young golfers any helpful advice on growing a career in the sport. Today’s Red Bull Tee Time was the second annual with Lexi, a neighboring thirty miles from her home in Coral Springs. Two more upcoming tee times will be scheduled at big stops on the LPGA tour.
“I reached out to Red Bull with my idea, and they helped connect me with the local communities,” said Lexi on how Red Bull Tee Time started. “We now have tee times across the southeast, and I’d love to go national next year.”
Lexi answered all questions; giving tips on her pre-swing routine, snacking and staying focused with Red Bull on the course, and how she paces herself both in practice and at tournaments. Afterwards, she gave a demonstration and hit a few balls with her fans.
Inside a building Stay inside and faraway from windows/glass doors. Waiting in your garage while using garage door open isn't a safe alternative either.
In the vehicle If no shelter is TaylorMade R11S Driver accessible, stay inside your vehicle. Pull over to the side from the road and wait the storms.
A drizzly South Florida didn’t keep high school golf teams from missing the opportunity to receive insider instruction from LPGA professional athlete, Alexis “Lexi” Thompson today at Coral Ridge Country Club. Young golfers from the surrounding districts came after class for a special lesson one on one with Lexi.
Lightning- Lightning is extremely dangerous and the extent in the threat isn't necessarily perceived. Recall the 30/30 rule in terms of thunderstorms and lightning. Go into if you hear thunder within Thirty seconds of an lightning flash. Wait at least A half-hour after you hear thunder prior to going back outside.
Outside- Locate a shelter. If you're in view with no any shelter available, become as small as possible. Get up on your discount golf clubs feet and crouch down as much as possible. Tend not to stay with the tallest object your location at.
Vehicle Stay inside and never move out. Do not use electronic products. A safe vehicle will be one which has a fully enclosed metal top like a hard-topped car, van, bus, etc. Unsafe vehicles include motorcycles, convertibles, golf carts, riding mowers, etc.